Science fiction/Prototyp/Chaos warrior

Attacks with random intensity and conditions

Operating: Damage inverter: Every attack does 10 damage minus the intenstiy of it (Costs: 3 Energy)
Life: 40
Movement: 7
Ammo: 6 ( Dimension, Reload: 10 Crystal ore, 25 Energy)
Aims: 1 (+0,35)
Potential: 10 (+1)
Armor: 0
Reflex: 185
Actions: Deletes magnetic ammunition and prohibits reloading (1x), >Chaos dimension<, Action absorb (1x), Teleport, Hide, Undisguise, Turn on, Turn off, Reload

Groups: Organism, Heat radiator, Overall, Has got thoughts
Species: Special unit
Genre: Human
Resistant versus: Sabotated
Without effect: Repair, Poisonous gas, Gas, Earthquake, Data, Dust, Slime, Fluid, Spore
Hideout: Unknown, Water, Forest, Grass, Mountain, Swamp, Sand, Asphalt, Sea, Canyon, Snow, Ice, Vulcano, Carpet, Spinney,
Sight: Normal(4)

Upgrades: Focusshield, Shield boost, Night vision, Resonant explosion, Cherubim, Spaceshield, Radio contact, , Infrared sublimation, Evasion, Freezing shields, Fluid metal, Repulsion dynamics, Ballistic electrons (BEEM), Multidimensioal, Particle canon, Accelerator, Hologram, Danger sensor, Detonator, Fundamental mode

Empowered by Invention (Incomplete) Energy shield, Vitality, Teleport vest, Allround suid, Shockball, Dual task academy

Effective against Flame thrower, Lasersword fighter, Teleporter

Producable in: Institute
Costs: 500 Vulcano gold, 300 Crystal ore, 300 Energy
Duration: 9 turns
Stage of development: Break through and high technology

Elements of the universe: Fire
Countries of the earth: Syria, North Korea, Iraq, India, Iran
